I. Purpose. The purpose of this Procedure is to implement the College’s Disability Accommodations Policy and Animal Policy (“Policies”) with respect to Animals on College Property, Premises, and Buildings.
II. Scope and Applicability. These procedures apply to Employees, Students and Visitors who seek to bring an animal on College Property, Premises, or Buildings.
III. Definitions
A. All capitalized terms in this Procedure have the meanings provided in the Policies.
B. All other capitalized terms in this Procedure have the following meanings:
1. DPSP means the Department of Public Safety and Police.
2. Miniature Horse means a horse that generally ranges in height from 24 inches to 34 inches measured to the shoulders and generally weighs between 70 and 100 pounds.
3. Restricted Areas means areas of College Property or Premises or Buildings in which an animal’s presence could compromise the integrity of research or teaching, present a Direct Threat to the health or safety of a person, or cause the Fundamental Alteration of an Activity or Service, including, but are not limited to: custodial closets, boiler rooms, facility equipment rooms, food preparation areas, and rooms with heavy machinery.
4. Workspace means the office, desk, room, suite and any other defined area in which an Employee performs the duties of their position.
IV. Responsibilities of Animal Owners
A. All animals are the sole responsibility of the Owner.
B. The Owner is responsible for the overall health and well-being of the animal, including all costs associated with the animal’s care and any property damage caused by the animal while on College Property, Premises, or Buildings.
C. The Owner must ensure that the animal:
1. Is current on all vaccinations required by law or ordinance;
2. Is licensed and registered per laws and ordinances;
3. Wears a license identification tag at all times while on College Property or Premises, which includes Owner contact information; and
4. Is harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless the Owner’s Disability prevents using these devices or these devices interfere with a Service Animal’s or Service Animal in Training’s safe, effective performance of tasks. In that case, the Owner must maintain control of the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
D. The Owner must follow applicable laws or ordinances for cleaning up the animal’s waste.
V. Removal or Exclusion of Animals
A. Animals may be removed from College Property, Premises, or Building in certain situations, upon recommendation of the DPSP, if:
1. The animal is out of control or is otherwise unreasonably disruptive to the learning or employment environment, as determined by DPSP, and the Owner does not take effective action to control it;
2. The animal is not housebroken
3. The Owner is not in compliance with their responsibilities set forth in this Procedure and Section IV of the Policy
4. The animal poses a Direct Threat to the health or safety of others
DPSP must first consult with HR regarding an Employee’s Service Animal or Service Animal in Training, or with the Vice President for Learning Resources Management regarding the removal of any other animal on campus.
VI. Rules Applicable to Service Animals on College Property, Premises, or Buildings
A. With the exception of Restricted Areas, Employees, Students, and Visitors with Disabilities, including the parent of a minor with a Disability, who utilize Service Animals, and Service Animal Trainers may bring their Service Animal or Service Animal in Training with them to all areas College Property, Premises or Buildings where members of the public, participants in College Activities, or Visitors are allowed to go according to the following procedures:
1. Employees
a. A Service Animal or Service Animal in Training will be permitted in a Workspace only if the Owner has been approved to have a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training as an accommodation for a Disability pursuant to the Employees and Applicants Disability Accommodations Procedure.
b. An Employee with a Disability who seeks to bring a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training into the Workspace during work hours as a Disability Accommodation must submit an Accommodation Request pursuant to the College’s Employees and Applicants Disability Accommodations Procedure.
c. An Employee who brings a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training to areas outside of their Workspace and/or outside of working hours have the same rights as Visitors to bring such animals to College Property or Premises.
d. An Employee may not request to bring a Service Animal in Training into the Workspace during work hours, unless the Employee has a Disability and receives approval of a Disability Accommodation for use of the Service Animal in Training.
e. If an Employee’s Service Animal or Service Animal in Training is removed from College Property, Premises or Buildings, the Employee will be given the opportunity to participate in the Activity or Service without having the animal present.
f. The Employee shall have rights to challenge removal of the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training as permitted by law and/or applicable College policy and should contact HR in such situation.
2. Students. A Student who seeks to bring a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training onto College Property, Premises or Buildings is not required to request an accommodation in order to bring a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training into a classroom or other location in which they access College Services or engage in College Activities, but is encouraged to reach out to DSS, the Student’s faculty members, and/or Authorized Employees and alert them to the presence of the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training so that health and safety concerns may be addressed, if necessary. It is particularly important that a Student who intends to enter a laboratory space with a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training notifies faculty as early as possible, so that safety arrangements may be made prior to the beginning of classes.
a. If a Student’s a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training, is removed or excluded, the Student may be prohibited from bringing the Service Animal/Service Animal Training onto College Property, Premises or Buildings until the Student takes significant and effective remedial steps to correct the Service Animal/Service Animal Training behavior problems and presents such evidence to the Vice President for Learning Resources Management. The decision of the Vice President about readmitting the Animal is final and may not be appealed or grieved.
3. Visitors. A Visitor is not required to request permission to bring a Service Animal or a Service Animal in Training onto College Property or Premises where members of the public are allowed to go, including College Buildings that are open to the public and areas in which they access College Services or engage in College activities.
a. If a Visitor’s Service Animal or Service Animal in Training, is removed or excluded, the Visitor may be prohibited from bringing the Service Animal/Service Animal Training onto College Property, Premises or Buildings until the Visitor takes significant and effective remedial steps to correct the Service Animal/Service Animal Training behavior problems and presents such evidence to the Vice President for Learning Resources Management. The decision of the Vice President about readmitting the Animal is final and may not be appealed or grieved.
B. The College will not require an Owner or Service Animal Trainer to pay any extra fees to have a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training on College Property, Premises, or Buildings; however, the College may require the Owner or Service Animal Trainer to pay for any damages to College Property, Premises, or Buildings caused by the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training.
C. A Service Animal or Service Animal in Training is not required to wear a vest or other form of identification denoting status as a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training.
VII. Interaction with Service Animals/Service Animals in Training and their Owners
A. Members of the College community who encounter an individual with a Service Animal or a Service Animal in Training on College Property, Premises, or Buildings should assume that the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training is working and is not a pet and should follow the guidance below for interacting with a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training:
1. Allow the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training to accompany its Owner at all times and everywhere on College Property, Premises, or Buildings, except in Restricted Areas;
2. Do not talk to, approach, touch or feed a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training unless you have asked and received permission from the Owner;
3. Do not deliberately startle or interfere with the work of a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training or attempt to separate the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training from its Owner.
B. If it is not apparent that a dog or miniature horse or other animal is a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training, the College has the right to request:
1. Affirmation that the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training is required due to Disability of the Owner; and
2. A description of the specific tasks or work the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training has been or is being trained to perform; and
3. For Service Animals or Service Animals in training that are not dogs or miniature horses, the Owner or Service Animal Trainer may be requested to provide documentation of the training provided to the animal to qualify it as a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training.
C. An individual who has concerns that an animal may not be a Service Animal, or that the Owner of an animal is not complying with the Animals on Campus Policy or this Procedure, should contact the DPSP and not approach the Owner themselves.
1. DPSP will notify HR of any concerns raised regarding an Employee’s Service Animal or Service Animal in Training, and HR will work with the Employee to address the concerns, if necessary.
2. DPSP will address any concerns related to a Student or Visitor’s Service Animal or Service Animal in Training directly with the Student or Visitor, if necessary.
VIII. Entrance into Restricted Areas
A. The College will prohibit access to all Animals in Restricted Areas except that Service Animals and Service Animals in Training may be permitted, unless their presence would create a Direct Threat to the health and safety of a person, or if the presence of the Animals would create a Fundamental Alteration of an Activity or Service.
B. Any Employee, Student, or Visitor who utilizes a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training and believes they will need to access a Restricted Area with the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training must first request access by contacting the offices below:
1. Employees and Applicants for employment should contact HR;
2. Students should contact DPSP; and
3. Visitors should contact the DPSP.
C. Requests for access to Restricted Areas should be made as far in advance as possible to allow adequate time for review of the request through an interactive process with the requester and for consultation with relevant College representatives.
D. HR or DPSP may contact General Counsel for guidance on appropriate questions they may ask about the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training in Restricted Areas.
IX. Rules Applicable to Miniature Horses
A. In determining whether a Miniature Horse will be allowed onto College Property or Premises, the following factors will be used to evaluate the use of the animal:
1. Whether the Miniature Horse is housebroken;
2. Whether the Miniature Horse is under the Owner’s control;
3. Whether the College Building can accommodate the Miniature Horse’s type, size, and weight; and
4. Whether the Miniature Horse’s presence will compromise legitimate safety requirements necessary for safe operation of the College Building.
X. Conflicting Disabilities
A. An individual may have a medical condition(s) or Disability that is adversely affected by the presence of an animal, including a Service Animal, Service Animal in Training or Emotional Support Animal on College Property or Premises or in a College Building.
B. An Employee must submit an Accommodation Request to HR in accordance with the Employees and Applicants Disability Accommodations Procedure if they have a health or disability related concern about exposure to an animal, including a Service Animal, Service Animal in Training or Emotional Support Animal.
C. A Student must submit an Accommodation Request to DSS in accordance with the Student Disability Accommodations Procedure if they have a health or disability related concern about exposure to an Animal, Service Animal, Service Animal in Training or Emotional Support Animal.
D. The College will consider the needs of both the Owner of the animal, and the Employee or Student with a conflicting Disability in seeking an efficient resolution.
Policy Title: Animals on Campus Procedure
Policy Category: General
Policy Owner: Vice President for Learning Resource Management
Policy Administrator: Executive Director of Human Resources (for Employees and Applicants); Dean of Student Success (for Students); Visitors (Chief of Police)
Contact Information: slboyer1@caifu588888.com, 410-777-2045 (for employees); bjgarrett@caifu588888.com, 410-777-2503 (for students); skaphammer@caifu588888.com, 410-777-2836 (for visitors)
Approval Date: August 12, 2024
Effective Date: September 16, 2024
History: N/A
Applies to: All Employees, Students, and Visitors of the College
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