The School of Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) may issue certificates for noncredit programs in two categories:
- Continuing Education Certificates
These are designed for personal enrichment, enhanced quality of life and one’s own enjoyment.
- Workforce Training Certificates
These types of certificates are a great way to show an employer you have achieved the learning outcomes in preparation for a specific job or occupation or successfully completed a series of courses resulting in improved skills or technical knowledge.
The first step toward obtaining your CEWD certificate is to enroll in your noncredit program of choice by submitting a noncredit registration form with the appropriate noncredit program code. Once you are enrolled in the program, complete the requirements and apply for your certificate. After you successfully complete all the requirements for the program, submit a CEWD Certificate Student Application.
Both the registration form and certificate application can be submitted via fax, mail or in person.
Certificates and Noncredit Program Codes
If you are pursuing a CEWD certificate, identify which certificate you are seeking by listing the code indicated below on your registration form or CEWD certificate application form.
Workforce Training Certificates
Casino and Gaming Industry
Education and Child Care
- Child Development Associate Prep (CE.CHILD-DEV-ASSOC)
- Family Child Care Provider (CE.CHILD.FAM-CARE)
- Lead Teacher 90-Hour Infant & Toddler Child Care Teaching (CE.INFANT-90)
- Lead Teacher 90-Hour Preschool Child Care Training (CE.CHILD.LD-TEACH)
- Lead Teacher 90-Hour School-Age Child Care Training (CE.SCHOOLAGE-90)
Computers and Technology
Construction and Trades
Pre-Apprenticeship Programs
Food and Beverage Management
Health and Medical
Teaching Certifications
Continuing Education Certificates